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四月份欢迎词 实用147句

1. We would be very pleased to act as your agent if your terms

2. The causes for this delay of shipment were beyond our

3. We have decided to appoint you as our agent in your

4. I appreciate your remarks but I honestly don’t think it was

5. We will keep our offer open/valid/firm/effective/good for

6. I prefer sunny days to rainy days.我喜欢睛朗的日子,不太喜欢下雨的日子。

7. Please take out insurance on this lot for the invoice value

8. Our corporation was established/founded/formed/created set up in 1964 and has now over twenty branches overseas我们公司创建于1964年,现在国外有二十几个分公司。

9. I'd like to be the first to congratulate you on your

10. Cement is to be packed in double kraft-paper bags,each

11. The packing of this article features novel design and

12. We’ll place a big order if your price is acceptable

13. We can arrange production to meet national characteristics

14. Cosmetics are our best selling goods. They sell out fast

15. The buyers should cover insurance themselves.

16. This is our most recently developed product.

17. At present most of the banks in China are members of

18. I have finished four new projects and I am sure I can apply

19. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into

20. Your packing must be improved.你们的包装必须改善。

21. Our customer requests the shipment be made in three equal

22. I want to have a talk with you about the plan.What time

23. Here's a list of our requirements.这儿有一份我们的需求清单。

24. The best I can do is to give you a 2% commission.我最多只能给你2%的佣金。

25. Please let us have your lowest quotation on the basis of CFR

26. Our products range includes machine tools and household

27. You’d better ask the remitting bank to authorize us to credit

28. What seasonal seafood do you have today?今天你们有什么时令海鲜?

29. Our principle is that contracts are honored and commercial

30. Do you provide a dormitory?

31. We forwarded you by airmail a full set of non-negotiable

32. Abalone slices with oyster sauce is the best of our kitchen蚝油鲍鱼片是我们厨房最拿手的好菜。

33. We would only consider a price reduction if the order is for20,000 tonnes or more.如果订购额达到20000吨或者更多,我们才能考虑减价问题。

34. We always keep an eye on customers’preference and make

35. We think it premature for us to discuss the question of

36. How was your journey?你旅途如何?

37. We deal in a variety of household appliances such as TV

38. Shipment must be made within the prescribed time limit-as

39. Id like to confirm the room charge per night.What's the rent for it?

40. I'd appreciate it if you could arrange for me to visit your manufacturers.如果你能安排我参观这家制造厂,那我太感谢了。

41. The new packing of the porcelain is in Chinese national style

42. Allow me to repeat the main points that we have agreed

43. SWIFT User Handbook states that L/Cs transmitted through

44. What contribution did you make to your current(previous

45. Could you tell me how many workers you employ here?你能告诉我这个厂有多少工人吗?

46. What is the total annual output of the factory?贵厂年产量是多少?

47. We're going to have a cold spell.要来寒流了。

48. Basically there are three parts to the plant:the supply area,the assembly area and the dispatch area.厂区基本上分成三个部分:供货区、组装区和发货区。

49. SWIFT L/C texts are composed of fields some of which are

50. Apart from arts and crafts we also deal in/handle all kinds of furniture.除了工艺品,我们还经营各种家具。

51. Mary, many congratulations on your promotion

52. Please open an L/C without any delay to facilitate our early

53. I've heard so much about you.Glad to meet you.久闻大名。今日相见荣幸之至。

54. Let's drink a toast to the success of our negotiations.让我们为谈判的成功而干杯。

55. We will send the contract to your hotel for you to sign

56. We have been thinking of placing an order if they’re the type we're looking for.我们在考虑,如果型号是我们所需的,我们就订货。

57. May I speak to Mr. Wilson?请找威尔逊先生。

58. We have been engaged in silk production for the past 50

59. We will airmail the contract to you within the next week

60. We’d like to have your detailed plan for the publicity

61. We really wish you’ll have a pleasant stay here.

62. I would like to introduce you to http://Mr.Li我想把你介绍给李先生。

63. Oh,you’re exaggerating. I played only a small part in the

64. On behalf of all our workers i welcome you to our plant我代表我们全体工人欢迎你们来我厂。

65. I am just leaving school,and I am 22 and my major is

66. We've received your application and I’d like to go over a

67. Any information that you may give us will be regarded as

68. I think well meet again soon.我想咱们会很快再见面的。

69. The designs and colors of our products will almost exactly

70. You’re very kind,but really anyone else could do it.

71. I owe it all to my friends who helped me so much.

72. It was really great to hear about your recent promotion

73. Our product is lower priced than the competitor’s.

74. Here is the receipt for the remittance这是汇款收据。

75. I'll check how much we have in stock.我去查查我们还有多少库存。

76. I work in the Silk Import & Export Corporation,which employs more than 100 people.

77. Please furnish us with a report on the reputation and financial status of this company

78. Can you tell me some of your strengths and weaknesses?

79. He is on the other line.Can I take a message?他在接电话,我可以捎个信吗?

80. Each package should be marked“Fragile”每件包装上都要标明“易碎品”。

81. We will arrange insurance on your behalf.

82. Sales Promotion should be part of your overheads and be

83. And I'll be very happy if I can help you with anything如能为你效劳,我将很高兴。

84. Hold on,please. I'll find out the exact time of the appointment.请稍等(请别挂断)。我查一下约会的确切时间。

85. My major is computer science when I was in the university

86. I wouldn’t have quoted you such a low price if it weren’t for a large quantity要不是数量大,我们还不会给你报这么低的价格呢。

87. Pens are packed in paper boxes,10 pieces to one box.

88. Please bring some mineral water.请拿些矿泉水来。

89. It's a garden in the traditional Victorian style这是一个传统的维多利亚式的花园。

90. We trade on the principle of equality and mutual benefit

91. Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to the success of this

92. Our aim is to create a world-famous brand and be one of the

93. Time goes so quickly.It looks as if you’d been here for only one day.

94. Our price is in line with the prevailing/ruling international

95. How much can a salesman expect per month?

96. We are supplying a full range of silk products to various

97. If you should encounter any inconveniences please do not hesitate to let me know, and I’ll be very glad to help you out.你若有不便之处,请随时直言相告。我很乐意为你排忧解难。

98. Please supply confidentially up-to-date information of the

99. Our product is competitive in the international market

100. I have been working as a junior clerk for two years.Tobe

101. First of all I will outline the characteristics of our product.首先我将简略说明我们商品的特性。

102. If hired, when could you start work?

103. Cloudy in the morning, overcast in the afternoon.上午多云,下午转阴。

104. Please just try and test the merits of our new product,and

105. I'm looking forward to seeing you again.我期望着再次见到你。

106. Could you recommend your specialists?请向我们推荐一下你们的特色菜。

107. Market is easy/weak/gloomy/sluggish

108. The amount in your L/C appears insufficient.Please increase the amount by 300 euros.你们信用证中的金额不足,请增加金额300欧元。

109. Market is falling/dropping/going down/weakening

110. Don’t forget to look me up if you and Mr.Wang are ever in America.

111. We'd like to have separate checks.我们想分别付账。

112. This is the busiest street in the city.It's the commercial and cultural center of the city.这是本市最繁华的街道,是本市的商业文化中心。

113. Then when can I reach him?那我何时可以找到他?

114. What about the rate of commission you want to charge?

115. We are glad to have the opportunity to introduce our newly

116. We usually don’t grant any discount for small quantities.

117. We shall insure the shipment for 10% above the invoice

118. It's a pity that you’re leaving so soon.真遗憾你这么快就要走了。

119. I'm glad we have concluded a successful transaction through

120. Because it’s good for people’s health, it has become more

121. We usually ship goods by regular liners.我们通常采用班轮运输。

122. The reference they have given us is Barclays Bank PLC

123. Can I ask him to call you back when he's back?他回来后,我让他给你会电话,可以吗?

124. SWIFT, formed in Brussels Belgium in 1973is a not-for

125. What's the annual order you can guarantee?

126. 要注意个人安全

127. All our branches that have permission to offer foreign

128. We have a rich assortment. All around here are some samples of new designs.我们有很多花色品种,这里展出的都是新设计的样品。

129. Our products have passed the ISO authentication last year

130. We have reserved a single room in your name.我们以你的名义预订了一个单间。

131. May I help you with your baggage/luggage?我替你拿行李好吗?

132. Allow me to express my heartiest congratulations on your

133. Thank you very much for coming all the way to meet me in person.谢谢你亲自过来接我。

134. 一”欢迎词

135. I hope we can get better understanding by talking in person

136. I'm afraid there is not much room for further reduction我恐怕没有多大降价的余地。

137. We’ve arranged our schedule without any trouble.

138. May we have a reasonable amount from you for publicity?

139. The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 20dozen each.货物用木箱包装,每箱装20打。

140. We have already been represented in your area by

141. We'll do everything we can to accommodate you and make

142. I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of a long

143. 000 for expenses.最少为销售额的3%,外加每月开支费用4000美元。

144. This particular line has already been taken by

145. Our products are of superior quality and favorable prices

146. We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market

147. At your request, we have reserved the Ming House suite for you, which is located in the Shanghai International Center for Cultural Exchange.

四月份欢迎词 实用33句

1. Please let us know what discount you may grant us if we

2. Our products are available in various models and sizes.

3. It's very considerate of you to make all the arrangement

4. Show me your menu,please请让我看一下你们的菜单。

5. I'm deeply impressed by what I’ve seen and heard during this visit.这次访问中的所见所闻给我留下了深刻的印象。

6. No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside

7. Ladies and gentlemen,I’d like to take this opportunity to say a few words.女士们、先生们,我想利用这个机会说几句话。

8. I'd prefer to visit famous historical sites.我更喜欢参观名胜古迹。

9. This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping这儿是观光和购物的好去处。

10. We’re glad you have enjoyed your stay here.很高兴你在这儿过得很愉快。

11. We have received from our correspondent bank the

12. The cover is subject to a franchise of 5%.

13. We have a tight schedule for your short/brief stay.I hope you don't mind.对你短暂的访问,我们为你安排的日程很紧,希望你不会

14. Shall I give you a general picture of our factory before we

15. They say I’m an honest,friendly and determined person.

16. I'm not used to the hot and dry weather in Beijing我不太适应北京这种又热又干的气候。

17. Our office is on the fifth floor of the Foreign Trade Building.

18. Mr.Wilson,what a nice surprise to talk to you威尔逊先生,接到你的电话真叫人惊喜。

19. I have to check the list of our correspondent banks in the

20. Well send remittance to cover the 200 digital camcorders

21. The information will be kept in strict confidence and without

22. If you fail to open the covering L/C in time we shall have

23. You have the job.Welcome aboard.

24. I left that advertising company three years ago because the

25. Don’t stand on ceremony.Please help yourself to the dishes.不要客气。请随便吃菜。

26. I hope this will mark the beginning of long and stable

27. The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.跟往常一样,箱子上要刷一菱形,内写我公司的首字母。

28. How many articles do you produce per shift?每个轮班你们能生产多少件?

29. We haven’t made the credit entry yet because the account

30. I can start at the beginning of next month

31. Payment is to beeffected by a100%confirmedirrevocable

32. A minimum of 3% on sales and a monthly sum of US$

33. It's very nice of you to come all this way to see me off谢谢你专程赶来为我送行。

四月份欢迎词 实用29句

1. Can we make it next Monday?

2. You may be interested in some of the items.

3. Make it Dutch./ Let's go Dutch.各付各的。

4. I wonder if we can make payment for this order by

5. The temperature seldom goes five degrees below zero centigrade.

6. What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?明天的天气预报怎么说?

7. Our corporation specializes in the export of textiles.我们公司专营纺织品的出口。

8. How would you like it cooked?你喜欢什么火候的?

9. Many customers have high comments on it.

10. This is our rock bottom price. We can't lower it any

11. We will arrange shipment immediately after we receive your

12. The weather forecast says it's fair to cloudy天气预报说晴到多云。

13. It was great to see you again. I hope you have a good trip to

14. We'd like to accept your proposal to change the unloading port to Los Angeles.我们愿意接受你们的建议,把卸货港改成洛杉矶。

15. Do you often work overtime?

16. We have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our

17. On behalf of Sinochem I want to extend a warm welcome to you and to thank you for joining us tonight我代表中国化工进出口总公司向你们致以热烈的欢迎,感谢你们今天晚上光临我们的宴会。

18. Products tend to go in and out of fashion in a shot time.

19. I hope you’ve had a pleasant flight /trip旅途愉快吧!

20. Operator, would you please put me through to Mr.Wilson?小姐(先生),请帮我接威尔逊先生。

21. Will you please check up the particulars and see if everything is in order?请你看一下是否各条款都无差错,好吗?

22. I feel as if I were in a different world我觉得自己好像置身于一个世外桃源。

23. The ABC company has given us your name as reference.

24. The moisturizer we deal in was awarded a gold medal at an

25. The purpose of my visit to Beijing is to talk business on one hand and to see our old friends on the other.

26. I wish the conference a complete success!我预祝大会圆满成功!

27. All these articles are best selling lines.

28. How much do you charge for the transportation of the

29. We’ll open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favor within10 days from the date of the contract.从合同签订之日起十天内,我们将开出以你方为受益人的不可撤销的信用证。

四月份欢迎词 实用73句

1. May I have your latest catalogue s or something about your

2. I'm really positive that this product has all the features you wanted.我确信这种产品有各种你所要的款式。

3. Though the floor space of the exhibitions is somewhat

4. As to our credit standing,please refer to the Bank of

5. But wouldn’t you like to spend an extra day or two here at

6. May I have your name and phone number please?你可以留下姓名和电话吗?

7. Tomorrow won’t do.I'm afraid because I have another prior appointment /engagement.明天恐怕不行,因为我已另有约会。

8. I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to the expansion of the trade between us.请大家举杯,为我们之间贸易的发展千杯。

9. Our products are well received wherever they go.我们的产品无论到哪都深受欢迎。

10. I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.不知道明天天气怎么样。

11. We are one of the largest importers of building materials in

12. The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand

13. I want to have a talk with you about the plan.What time would be convenient for you?我想和你谈谈这个计划,你什么时间合适?

14. For men's coats, we have four sizes, small,medium large, and extra large.男士外衣,我们有四种尺寸:小号、中号、大号和特大号。

15. First, we have to check the signature,and then make a

16. I'd like to make an appointment with you.我想和你预约一下。

17. 要讲文明懂礼貌

18. Would you please find out if there is a money transfer for

19. The hotel is well appointed and conveniently located宾馆设施齐全,交通便利,位置优越。

20. Could you consider prompt shipment for this lot?我们这批货能否考虑即期装运?

21. Since my graduation from the college three years ago,I have

22. Thank you very much for the catalogue s you sent to us

23. I'm delighted to meet you at last.很高兴,终于见到你了。

24. SWIFT message transmission is controlled by user's code

25. To be on the safe side,we insist on payment by letter of

26. There are a lot of places that are worth visiting有很多值得参观的地方。

27. I would like to thank you for your kind words感谢你这番亲切友好的谈话。

28. As for telegraphic transfer from U.S. A.it takes about one

29. We have covered the goods against WPA and TPND

30. Let me introduce Mr.Wang the Deputy Director of the factory.让我介绍一下王先生。王先生是我们厂的副厂长。

31. Expo is an excellent opportunity to show a country to the

32. SWIFT code is just like the bank’s ID SWIFT代号就像银行的身份证。

33. Please accept my sincere congratulations.

34. 要养成良好习惯

35. Market is advancing/going-up/strengthening/rising

36. I would like you to meet our managing director,Mr.Wang.我向你介绍一下我们的总经理王先生。

37. Now I'd like to have some information about your range of

38. We could book shipping space onS.S.“Dongfeng”before

39. If necessary, we can provide first class reference

40. How much do you charge for sending a telegraphic transfer to London.发一笔电汇到伦敦,你们收费多少?

41. SWIFT system requires all L/C messages to be structured in

42. Well,if it isn’t Mr.Wilson.How are you?嗨!这不是威尔逊先生吗?你好吗?

43. The income depends on sales achievements.

44. I’ll take a little more.It’s tasty,but I’m almost full我再来一点。太好吃了。但我快饱了。

45. It’s time for us to say good-bye now.Thank you for all your help.

46. We’ve got a reservation for dinner this evening.I'm John Hanks.我们预订了今晚的桌子。我叫约翰·汉克斯。

47. You'll know our products better after this visit.

48. If you agree to accept D/Pwe could compromise on other

49. It’s a lovely day,isn’t it?/Wonderful weather, isn’t it?天气不错,对吧!

50. I would like to show you our tentative itinerary我想向你介绍一下我们初步拟订的活动日程。

51. Your products should be all up to the samples.你方产品必须与样品完全一致。

52. As far as we know they are of sound financial standing

53. I wonder if it is possible to arrange shopping for us.

54. The cost of SWIFT is only about 18% of that of telex for

55. You’ll certainly need a good rest after such a long flight Perhaps I should let you rest now.长途飞行之后你应好好休息一下。我就不打搅你休息了。

56. May I know what particular items you are interested in?你们对哪种商品感兴趣?

57. I'm sorry I can’t give you a description of the hotel services in just a few words. Please ask the reception clerk for details.很报歉,宾馆服务无法用几句话就能说明,详细情况请咨询总台接待员。

58. We export our goods mainly to European market我们的产品主要出口到欧洲市场。

59. We’ve spent a great deal of money on equipment in this plant.

60. Please submit specifications,preferably with illustrations.请告规格,最好附有图片说明。

61. You do want to visit our manufacturing factory don”t you Mr. Hill?希尔先生,你想参观一下我们的工厂吗?

62. The most common types of containers are open top

63. No,the employees must have their own places to stay.But

64. What's the annual order you can do?

65. I'm greatly honored/privileged/It's my great honor/

66. Why did you leave your last job?

67. I'd like/Id prefer/I’ll have/Ill order/Ill take a chicken curry.我想点一份咖喱鸡。

68. I've always admired your work very much.

69. Banks advising credits issued through SWIFT should ensure

70. I'm happy to have the pleasure of meeting you.见到你很高兴。

71. You must be our long-expected guest Mr.Wilson from the U.S.你一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的威尔逊先生吧!

72. We have 15 retail outlets nation wide We now command15% of the market in home appliances.我们在国内有15个零售点。在家电市场上有15%的占有率。

73. Are you ready to order now?你们准备好点什么菜了吗?

四月份欢迎词 实用61句

1. Can you tell me when the amount was credited to my

2. We're working on your quotation and will contact you

3. Delivery had to be put off due to the strike of the workers

4. Our plant employs a group of professional designers我们厂拥有一批专业的设计人员。

5. The rain is beginning to let up.雨开始变小了。

6. This is Mr. Wilson speaking. Who's calling?我是威尔逊。你是哪一位?

7. Speaking on behalf of our company,I would like to say how delighted we have been to receive you here我代表我们公司表示非常高兴在这里接待你们。

8. We’ve been expecting you ever since you sent us the fax informing us of your date of arrival.自从你把来访日程传真给我们以来,我们一直在期待着你的到来。

9. Is there anything else you’d like to bring up for discussion?

10. I think you’ll have a better understanding of our company

11. The city enjoys a long history and a splendid culture.这座城市有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。

12. If your money is remitted through a bank with which we keep

13. It contains basically all we have agreed upon during our

14. The cargo is to be insured warehouse to warehouse.

15. It looks as though a storm is brewing看来一场暴风雨就要来了。

16. We’re passing the oldest building in the city我们正经过这座城市最古老的建筑。

17. I hope the good weather will come back soon真希望天气快点好起来。

18. It looks like it's going to rain.天看起来要下雨。

19. May I know the purpose of holding such an exhibition?

20. We shall take out insurance at this end under open policy

21. Would you like tea or coffee?你喜欢喝茶还是咖啡?

22. Now we are approaching the top of the mountain我们快到山顶了。

23. I'm so pleased to have finally met you./It's been my pleasure meeting you./ It was nice to meet you.很高兴认识你。(道别用语)

24. We have not yet received your shipping advice Please let us

25. It's time for you to board the plane/train/ship now你该上飞机/火车/轮船了。

26. We want to find out if Article No.16 is available我们想了解十六号商品是否有货。

27. We are sure your visit to China will be-rewarding我们相信,你这次中国之行将是有收获的。

28. Can you sell yourself within two minutes? Go for it.

29. How many hours do you work per week?

30. I'm delighted to make your acquaintance.很高兴认识你。

31. The wind is getting stronger/going down.风势在加强/减弱。

32. The in-flight service was satisfactory./The air service was satisfactory.机上服务很令人满意。/机上服务很好。

33. In view of our good cooperation over the past years,we are

34. You know teddy bears are very popular here

35. It must be the fog that makes one feel so chill.一定是大雾使人感到这么冷嗖嗖的

36. The factory has four workshops and a total of 600 workers and staff.我们厂有四个车间,六百个职工。

37. Owing to the delay on the manufacturers part we have to

38. It's a great pleasure of us to have you over.

39. We have four plants throughout China,and this one is the second biggest. Its annual output is approximately24000tons.我们在全国有四个工厂,这是第二大的,其年生产量约为24 000吨。

40. The price has gone up 3% since July of last year.自去年七月份以来,价格上涨了 3%。

41. This product presents the top craftsmanship.这种产品代表了顶级的工艺水平。

42. One cannot take price separately from quality不能离开质量来谈价格。

43. 要守纪律讲卫生

44. Could you give me a summary of your current job?

45. The Great Wall is a man-made wonder.长城是人造奇迹。

46. It's on me tonight./It's my treat tonight.今晚我请客。

47. Quality control is an essential factor, and that is why we have our own quality control department.质量监督是一个至关重要的因素。我们的质监科就是为此而设立的。

48. Insurance is to be effected by the Sellers for 110% of the

49. How would your friends or colleagues describe you?

50. Our company was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange

51. Though the trade in the past was to the satisfaction of both

52. Since the premium varies with the extent of insurance extra

53. Do you want to make any change in the contract?

54. Would you mind my recommending some Suzhou made pure

55. We have no idea whether this product with new specifications will be marketable here.我们不知道这种新规格的产品在这里是否有销路。

56. Market is strong/firm/steady/active.

57. I'm afraid we’ll have a hard time persuading our users to

58. Freight charges and insurance premiums for container-

59. We’d like you to give us your honest opinion including any suggestions you may have for improvements我们希望你能真诚地提出意见与建议,以便我们改进。

60. How would you like a room overlooking the sea?你喜欢可以看海的房间吗?

61. I have been looking forward to meeting you.我一直盼着能见到你。